
My Child Was Injured While Riding a Bike in California

Children are more likely to be injured in bicycle accidents than adults, and most accidents occur when the child riding a bicycle is hit by a car. Children lack impulse control and may ride their bicycles through red lights. They are still developing their sense of danger, and may not move out of the way quickly enough if they hear a car coming. Motorists have a duty to watch for children riding bicycles, even if the child does not understand the rules of the road.

If your child was injured while riding a bicycle, contact the bicycle accident attorneys at Woods Williford, P.C. today at (888) 340-2440.

Common Injuries in Child Bicycle Accidents

Bicycle accidents can cause serious, long-lasting injuries in children, including:

  • multiple bone fractures,
  • spinal cord injuries,
  • internal organ damage, and
  • traumatic brain injuries.

These injuries may require your child to undergo extensive medical treatment, multiple surgeries, rehabilitation, and psychological counseling. Medical bills can add up quickly.

Traumatic brain injuries are one of the leading causes of disability in children. Although your child may appear to quickly recover from a head injury, he or she may suffer long-term consequences, especially if he or she was not wearing a helmet when the accident occurred. Examples of long-term risks include:

  • a lower IQ,
  • cognitive difficulties,
  • behavioral problems,
  • attention deficits, and
  • memory loss.

Who is Responsible?

The unique circumstances of your child's bicycle accident determine who is responsible for your child's injuries.

If your child was hit by a car while riding a bicycle, the driver may have breached his or her duty of care and acted negligently, which may make him or her the responsible party.

Sometimes children ride bicycles on roads in poor repair, leading to accidents and injuries. Cities and counties have a duty to keep road surfaces in good repair, put accurate signage at intersections, and keep traffic signals functional. If any of these obligations were not met and your child is injured, the government entity may be the responsible party.

When you purchase a bicycle for your child, you expect it to meet safety standards. If your child's bicycle was defective and caused your child's injury, the manufacturer may be the responsible party.

Comparative Negligence

In California, a person injured in an accident can still recover damages even if he or she is partially at fault. The jury will decide what percentage the Plaintiff's actions contributed to the accident and then reduce the award amount by that percentage.

In cases involving children, the jury must consider how a child of the same age with a similar amount of experience and knowledge would behave in the same situation. Children are not held to the same standards as adults in bicycle accidents.

Contact an Experienced California Child Bicycle Accident Attorney

If your child was injured in a bicycle accident in California, contact an experienced child injury lawyer at Woods Williford, P.C. Whether your child was hit by a car while riding a bicycle, sustained injuries due to poorly maintained roads, or was riding a defective bicycle, our dedicated, compassionate team will fight for just compensation for your child's injuries.

Call us today at (888) 340-2440 or fill out our online form for a free consultation.

What Rights Do I Have Against the Responsible Party?

If your child has been injured due to the negligence of another, you have the right to seek a legal remedy on their behalf. Also, your injured child has the right to recover the damages he or she has suffered in the event the other party is found responsible.
