
My Child Got Hit By a Car in California

Drivers owe a great duty of care to child pedestrians in California. In 2016, 1,200 children under age 14 were killed in vehicle accidents in the United States, and in 20 percent of these accidents, the child was a pedestrian, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA). When children are hit by a car, even if they survive, they face serious injuries with long recovery times.

If your child was hit by a car, contact the child accident lawyers at Woods Williford, P.C. at (888) 340-2440.

Causes of Child Pedestrian Accidents

Children are small and difficult for drivers to see, so they have a higher risk of getting hit by cars than adults. Many children play near streets and may not understand the dangers of crossing the road outside of an intersection or crosswalk. Drivers are increasingly distracted by their cell phones and some drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol, putting child pedestrians at higher risk of being hit by a car.

School buses present another danger to children pedestrians. While riding the bus is safer than riding in a passenger car, loading and unloading from a bus is very dangerous. Other motorists in a hurry may not stop for the school bus and hit a child as the child tries to cross the road. The school bus itself may hit a child if the bus driver is not aware of where the child is when they turn or pull into traffic. The "danger zone" around a school bus is 30 feet in front of the front bumper, ten feet on either side of the bus, and ten feet behind the rear bumper.

Steps to Take After Your Child is Hit By a Car

If your child is hit by a car, first seek medical attention. Keep all medical records from your child's doctor.

Make a police report if you did not make one at the time of the accident.

Contact a child accident lawyer at Woods Williford, P.C. as soon after the accident as possible. Your attorney can handle negotiations with insurance companies and protect your child's interests while you help your child heal from their injuries. To receive compensation for your child's injuries, your lawyer must prove that the driver acted negligently, which caused them to hit your child with their vehicle. The driver who hit your child likely hired a lawyer soon after the accident to protect him or herself, and your child needs a strong advocate to fight for him or her, too. 

Avoid discussing the details of your child's accident online. Once you post something online, it exists forever, even if you delete it. Even casual statements can affect your lawyer's negotiations with insurance companies or the outcome of potential lawsuits.

Contact a California Child Accident Injury Attorney

If your child was hit by a car in California, contact the experienced child injury lawyers at Woods Williford, P.C. Our dedicated, compassionate team will fight for just compensation for your child's injuries. Call us today at (888) 340-2440 or fill out our online form for a free consultation.

What Rights Do I Have Against the Responsible Party?

If your child has been injured due to the negligence of another, you have the right to seek a legal remedy on their behalf. Also, your injured child has the right to recover the damages he or she has suffered in the event the other party is found responsible.
