
My Child Got Hurt at an Amusement Park in California

Amusement parks are among Southern California's largest sources of tourism, and millions of people visit them each year. In recent years, amusement parks have added taller and faster rides to attract more daring visitors, but as speed increases, so does the risk of injury, especially for children. Approximately 4,400 children are injured on amusement park rides each year, and most of the injuries happen to children between the ages of 10 and 14. These injuries can happen at theme parks or at local carnivals.

If your child was injured in an amusement park accident, contact an Orange County child injury attorney at Woods Williford, P.C. today at (888) 340-2440.

Causes of Amusement Park Accidents

The California Occupational and Safety and Health Administration (Cal-OSHA) regularly inspects amusement park rides to minimize the risk of injury. Despite safety measures in place, children are still injured in amusement park accidents.

Some causes include:

  • Inadequate operator training
  • Improper ride operation, such as abruptly stopping the ride
  • Inadequate supervision
  • Failure to follow height and/or weight restrictions
  • Mechanical failure
  • Defective design
  • Safety restraint malfunction
  • Exposed electrical wires
  • Failure to post adequate signage for off-limit areas.

Types of Amusement Park Injuries

The Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that the most common injuries that children sustain at amusement parks affect the neck (16.2 percent), head (10.1 percent), lower trunk (11.9 percent) and upper trunk (9.2 percent).

Amusement park injuries vary based on the type of ride involved and the child's age.

Less-severe but still painful injuries include:

  • sprains,
  • contusions, and
  • broken bones.

Your child may sustain more serious injuries including:

  • limb amputation,
  • internal organ injuries,
  • brain aneurysms, or
  • stroke.

Steps to Take if Your Child is Injured at an Amusement Park

If your child is injured at an amusement park, seek immediate medical attention. Amusement park injuries can be very serious, and internal injuries may be hard to detect. If your child was injured on a ride, immediately report the injury to the ride operator. Theme parks have their own emergency medical personnel who can provide on-scene care before your child is transported to a hospital.  

Theme parks may request that you write an incident report. Provide all the facts of the incident without embellishment. Locate witnesses and get their contact information. Take pictures of the scene, especially if the injury occurred at a local carnival because rides are frequently dismantled and moved to the next location within days or weeks and evidence can disappear quickly. 

Contact an experienced child amusement park injury attorney at Woods Williford, P.C., as soon after the accident as possible. Your attorney can handle negotiations with insurance companies, determine who is liable for your child's injury and seek just compensation for your child while you help your child heal from the injuries.

Contact a California Child Amusement Park Injury Attorney

If your child was injured at an amusement park in Orange County, a compassionate child injury lawyer. Our experienced legal team will protect your child's rights and fight for just compensation for any injuries. Call us today at (888) 340-2440 or fill out our online form for a free consultation.

What Rights Do I Have Against the Responsible Party?

If your child has been injured due to the negligence of another, you have the right to seek a legal remedy on their behalf. Also, your injured child has the right to recover the damages he or she has suffered in the event the other party is found responsible.
