
My Child Has a Sprain or Strain

Sprains and strains are both injuries that occur when your child's joint is forced past its normal range of motion. These injuries affect the tendons, ligaments, and muscles, and can be very painful, restricting your child's physical abilities. Some children are naturally energetic and incur a sprain or strain from overuse, but others sustain these painful, debilitating injuries due to someone's negligence in California, such as in a motor vehicle accident or falls.

If your child has a sprain or strain caused by negligence, contact the experienced, compassionate Orange County child injury attorney at Woods Williford, P.C. today at (888) 340-2440.


A child sustains a sprain when the ligament is wrenched or twisted, possibly causing a tear. Ligaments are the tissues that connects two bones. Ankle sprains are the most common, but your child can sprain any joint. 

Promptly treating a sprain is essential to help your child make a full recovery. If your child is injured in an accident, and you believe he or she has a sprain, contact your child's doctor as soon as possible. The doctor will give your child a thorough physical examination and may use an X-ray, MRI, or CT scan to diagnose the extent of the injury. Your child may need extensive physical therapy to recover.

If the sprain is left untreated, your child could face loss of range of motion, loss of strength, and early arthritis in the joint. 


Strains are stretched or torn muscles or tendons. Tendons connect muscles to bones. Your child may experience muscle spasms, swelling, and have difficulty moving. Any muscle can be strained, but this commonly affects the hamstring, calf, and Achilles tendon. 

Contact your child's doctor as soon as possible after a strain for an X-ray. The strain may involve the growth plate, which can have serious consequences. If left untreated, your child may develop a bony bridge across the growth plate, which inhibits the bone's growth. Or, in some cases, the damage to the growth plate stimulates bone growth, so the damaged bone grows longer than the healthy bone. In either case, if the strain damages the growth plate, your child will need surgery.

After a strain, your child may have to wear a cast and use crutches or a wheelchair, severely restricting their activities. Your child's doctor may order physical therapy to stretch the muscles and tendons.

Even with prompt medical treatment, your child could face long-term effects from a strain, including visible deformities or lingering instability at the injury site.

Contact a California Child Sprain and Strain Injury Attorney

If your child has as a sprain or strain due to negligence in California, contact Woods Williford, P.C. for experienced legal representation. Sprains and strains can cause your child significant pain and restrict activities. The child may need extensive physical therapy to recover. In severe cases, your child may have lifelong effects from the injuries. Our team fights for just compensation.

Call us today at (888) 340-2440 or fill out our online form for a free consultation.

What Rights Do I Have Against the Responsible Party?

If your child has been injured due to the negligence of another, you have the right to seek a legal remedy on their behalf. Also, your injured child has the right to recover the damages he or she has suffered in the event the other party is found responsible.
