
My Child Knocked Out/Broke Teeth

Knocking out or breaking teeth are the most common facial injuries in children. These injuries range in severity from a minor chip to loss of the entire tooth. The most common causes are falls, motor vehicle accidents, and sports injuries. 

If your child knocked out or broke teeth due to someone else's negligence, you may be able to recover damages for their injuries. Call Woods Williford, P.C. at (888) 340-2440 for a free case consultation.

Types of Tooth Injuries in California

Your child can injure primary or permanent teeth. Primary tooth injuries are usually minor, even if the tooth is knocked all the way out. Your child, however, still needs to see a pediatric dentist as soon as possible to make sure there is no nerve damage.

Losing or damaging a permanent tooth is a dental emergency. Your child needs to see a pediatric dentist immediately.

Types of tooth injuries include:

  • Loosened Tooth: This is a minor injury. Your child's gums may bleed a small amount. The tooth may tighten on its own within 3 days.
  • Chipped Tooth: A chip is a small fracture on the corner of the tooth that affects only the dentin and not the pulp. 
  • Fractured Tooth: A fracture is a more serious injury that includes the pulp, which is where the tooth's blood supply and nerves are located. The tooth will have bleeding in the center which usually looks like a red dot. This is a painful injury.
  • Displaced Tooth: The tooth is pushed inward.
  • Knocked-Out Permanent Tooth (Avulsed Tooth): The permanent tooth is completely knocked out of your child's mouth.
  • Knocked-Out Primary Tooth: The primary tooth is completely knocked out of your child's mouth.

Treating Tooth Injuries

Each tooth injury requires a different treatment. For any tooth injuries, first contact your child's pediatric dentist. Whether the tooth is broken or knocked out, acting quickly increases the chances that the dentist can save the tooth.

A loosened tooth may tighten on its own. You can use a cold pack on the jaw if your child has some pain or swelling.

Treatment for a chipped or broken tooth depends on the severity of the injury. Your child may need a root canal to save the tooth, especially if the pulp is involved. Other treatments include veneers, dental caps, or bondings.

A primary tooth cannot be replaced. Rinse your child's mouth with water and use a cold compress for pain and swelling. Call your child's pediatric dentist as soon as possible.

If your child knocks out a permanent tooth, rinse the tooth in cold water and place it back in the socket in your child's mouth, handling the tooth by the crown, never the root. Have your child bite down on a piece of gauze to hold it in place. If the tooth cannot be reinserted, place it in a cup with milk or your child's saliva. This is a dental emergency, so contact the dentist immediately. For the best chances of saving the tooth, your child needs to see a dentist within one hour.

Contact a California Child Tooth Injury Attorney

If your child knocked out or broke teeth due to someone's negligence in California, contact the compassionate child injury lawyers at Woods Williford, P.C. Our dedicated team fights for just compensation for your child's injuries.

Call us today at (888) 340-2440 or fill out our online form for a free consultation.

What Rights Do I Have Against the Responsible Party?

If your child has been injured due to the negligence of another, you have the right to seek a legal remedy on their behalf. Also, your injured child has the right to recover the damages he or she has suffered in the event the other party is found responsible.
