
My Child Broke/Fractured a Bone

Broken or fractured bones are common childhood injuries, with approximately two percent of all children in the United States experiencing a bone break or fracture each year. While some children are accident prone, other children break or fracture their bones due to someone else's negligence. Most children's broken or fractured bones heal quickly, but others suffer from long-term issues, especially if the break is on the growth plate.

If your child sustained a broken or fractured bone due to someone else's negligence, contact the Orange County child injury attorneys at Woods Williford, P.C. today at (888) 340-2440.

Causes of Broken or Fractured Bones

Bones break or fracture when they receive a significant amount of force and can no longer bend without cracking.  This can happen for many reasons, but common causes of broken bones in children include:

  • Car or bus accidents
  • Getting hit by a car while the child is a pedestrian
  • Falls
  • Playground accidents
  • Amusement park accidents
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Slipping on ice
  • Sports accidents, including overuse

Types of Bone Breaks or Fractures

Not all bone breaks or fractures are the same. The type your child sustains depends on the type of accident they were involved in, and some breaks or fractures are more severe than others. Common types include:

  • Simple fracture: The bone breaks into two pieces.
  • Comminuted fracture: The bone breaks into at least three pieces.
  • Compound fracture: A piece of the bone protrudes through the skin.
  • Spiral fracture: The bone is twisted, causing the break to spiral around the bone.
  • Compression fracture: The bone is crushed.
  • Stress fracture: A small break in the bone caused by repetitive motion.

What To Do If Your Child Broke/Fractured a Bone

How you respond to your child's broken bone depends on which bone is broken. Small bones, such as fingers and toes, are painful, but usually heal properly. Back, neck, or pelvic breaks are very serious and require immediate medical attention.

In emergency situations, call 911. In less serious situations, take your child to the hospital for an X-ray to determine the type and extent of the break or fracture. Many breaks and fractures require surgery, and the doctor may have to use pins, plates, or screws to hold the bone in place. Healing may take months or years and require physical therapy after your child's cast is removed. If the break is on the growth plate, your child may need additional surgeries.

Take pictures of the accident scene and collect witness contact information.

If your child broke or fractured a bone due to someone else's negligence, contact the experienced child injury attorneys at Woods Williford, P.C. Your attorney can negotiate with insurance companies and file a lawsuit against the negligent party.

Contact a California Child Burn Injury Attorney

If your child broke or fractured a bone due to someone else's negligence in California, contact the experienced child injury lawyers at Woods Williford, P.C. Our dedicated team understands that each bone break or fracture case is unique, and we will consider the details of your child's injury while we fight for just compensation.

Call us today at (888) 340-2440 or fill out our online form for a free consultation.

What Rights Do I Have Against the Responsible Party?

If your child has been injured due to the negligence of another, you have the right to seek a legal remedy on their behalf. Also, your injured child has the right to recover the damages he or she has suffered in the event the other party is found responsible.
